General Dentistry


Dental Hygiene

At East Milton Dental, we take time to get to know every patient beyond their teeth and gums. When you visit our office, you’ll work closely with Dr. Regan to create a plan that perfectly fits your needs, budget, and goals. Sit back and relax while our professional dental hygienists gently clean and polish your teeth.


Check Ups

Thanks to advances in dental technology and the friendly, personal attention provided by our team, our general dentistry check ups are comfortable, stress free, and incredibly effective. We’ll ensure your pain is relieved, problems resolved, and health of your smile improved.


Root Planing & Scaling (Deep Cleaning)

The best way to prevent gum disease is effective daily brushing and flossing as well as regular professional examinations and cleanings. Unfortunately, even with the most diligent home care, some people still can develop periodontal disease.

Scaling and root planing is a deeper dental cleaning procedure. This is done to treat patients with current or developing periodontal disease. Not all patients need this level of cleaning, but it is a very important procedure for those patients who do.

During this treatment we will clean below the gum line, using local anesthetic to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.


Fillings & Crowns

Composite fillings – also known as tooth-colored fillings – are dental restorations that are virtually unnoticeable. They blend with your own teeth and appear more natural than silver amalgam fillings. They also require less tooth structure to be removed, thus keeping the strength of your natural teeth.

Dental Trauma

Dental trauma can include damage to the teeth and/or the supporting structure (bone, gums, lips, and cheeks). It is important to be seen by Dr. Regan as soon as possible after the trauma. How the initial injury is handled can have long term effects. 


Dental Implants

A dental implant is a synthetic “root” or “post” that is surgically placed in the jawbone. This “post” is usually made of titanium, the same material used in hip and knee replacements. A crown & abutment is then attached to the post. Single teeth can be replaced with dental implants and bridges can also be supported by dental implants. Dental implants are always a wonderful way to add stability and retention to dentures. 


PRP Grafting & Extractions

When a tooth is hopeless and needs to be extracted it leaves behind a void. To ensure the best healing and to prevent further bone loss in the area the socket can be grafted using the patients own blood. This is a an amazing and affordable technique that promotes bone growth and decreases the chance of infection after an extraction. 

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